Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dwindling list

My to do list is dwindling!

I planted my mini herb garden and found a use for my cake stand cover all at the same time:
(Yes, that's a collection of old tea and coffee infusers...people are always getting rid of them at yard sales and thrift that weird? Whatever, I like them!)

I finally washed a load of gentle cycle, lay flat to dry sweaters:
I made my daughter animal shaped quesadillas for lunch:
I ran lots of errands, I did multiple loads of laundry, I changed the bed linens, I organized Estella's books, I framed and hung Estella's new print, and I'm blogging for the second time today...I am a Domestic Goddess. But just so you're not too intimidated by my new goddess status, I'll admit to slicing off my knuckle with the cheese grater, failing miserably at putting together a storage shelf, and finding my child on the top stair while I was making lunch. So maybe I'm not quite a domestic goddess, but you have to admit, I did manage to get a lot accomplished today!

I have a few more things I'd like to work on today, but I'm running out of energy...being up at 4:00am will do that to you...and I hear Estella waking up from her nap. Today's just another reason I have to get my computer set up to work from home on Tuesdays...I need to have another day of the week that I'm not required to make the trek in to really does take up the entire day. Soon enough...

Snowy days...

We got covered in snow yesterday...finally some more snow and less freezing cold weather.

We all braved the snow for a very short time so that Estella could go sledding like the "big kids" in the back yard. Little kids in snow suits never cease to amuse me...totally incapable of doing anything but to stand there with stiff limbs.
After dinner Estella enjoyed a little DJ time with Walter. She gets so excited when he starts to get the DJ equipment'd think we were giving her chocolate covered sugar cubes or something...she loves to "booka-booka" like a DJ, and Walter loves to have the time with her...picture of the beloved event taken by the resident DJ himself:
Later in the evening we enjoyed (or in my case, made myself sick on) some snow cream. It really is the perfect treat for someone such as myself that has never outgrown eating snow. There's something about fresh fluffy snow that makes me want to take a bite...
(Sorry for the slightly odd colored was too dark to take a decent pic)

As for today, it's done snowing but we're left with days of clean up. I just got in from shoveling out so I can run some local errands, and I may need an oxygen mask. Shoveling is by far the best workout around.

I have a long list of things to accomplish, so I think that today will be spent trying to cross some things off. Walter is in clinical all day, and then works tonight, so I have the whole day to get my things-to-do accomplished. Estella right now is watching Charlotte's web...with the "spi-ster", and is letting me blog in peace...maybe she'll let me get lots of things done today. She really has been very needy and whiny's hard to take some days. I guess I better get used to her behavior since she's getting to that age...

As for the Husband, he's staying busy with school and work. He's very excited that tomorrow's clinical will have him in the ER...a place that he thinks he may want to end up. As for how we're handling his schedule...I'm hoping he'll decide to take off Thursday would benefit us all. He wouldn't have such a long day, Estella wouldn't have to go two days without seeing her daddy, and I would be able to take a Yoga class. Selfish, I know, but I need that time to myself and the Thursday night class would fit me best. We'll all depends on Walter wanting to take off and being able to do it financially....time will tell.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Checking in...

I really don't have much to share today...just a guilt post. I stalk other people's blogs (daily) and am always disappointed when they haven't blogged for a couple of days. I'm guilty of being a blogging slacker too, so I'm blogging to make myself feel better for being disappointed in my non-blogging bloggers. I mean, don't they realize that I'm depending on them to add some excitement to my life?

A new project in progress:
I had such a miserably disappointing day on Saturday in the studio that it left me a little frustrated. I tried the same thing three times and failed's always disappointing when a brilliant idea turns out not so brilliant. So, today I'm on to a new project with hopes that things will look up.

The newest addition to Estella's playthings:
A vintage Fisher Price Sesame Street House from the 1970's. I almost had to push over a little old lady and some kids to get it but it's mine, all mine. I mean Estella's, all Estella's. Now her little people have a Brownstone in the city and a Tudor cottage in the country! She spent quite a while on the floor, on her belly just looking into the rooms of her city home...I mean how cool would it be to have the Count's portrait in your living room?

I'm not usually much for horoscopes, but seeing that it's a new year, the year of the Ox, I checked out what's in store for me this year...let's just say that I'm going to have a way better year than my husband. Of course, since we're married and have to be in the same house, won't his bad year kind of be my bad year? Well, I'll just pretend that his won't affect mine and go on with my happy little moments like nothing happened...hope you all have some good things in store this year!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

why wasn't I told?

When did I start looking so old and tired? And why didn't anyone tell me?
I guess I've always taken advantage of looking young, and even been annoyed by it at times, but today I wanted to take a picture of Estella and me and I look so old and tired in all of them. I figure it must have happened somewhere around the time that the little monster in my lap started being my main priority instead of myself. Oh well, such is life.

The reason for my old and tiredness:
Playing directly in my dinner cooking path...she likes to keep me on my toes!

Another dress for Estella's doll, which she decided was "pretty". This may be the last outfit for this particular doll for a little while. I have a couple of other projects I'd like to work on for a bit.
Some appliqued car bags for toys and such...still in progress.
I thought maybe it'd be nice to add some non-fritter items to the shop, and these are fairly simple. I made one to contain the building block mess in the living room and it has worked well...maybe others need to contain messes in their living rooms!

I guess that's it for today...nothing exciting, just the same old babble...what do you expect from someone so old and tired?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Estella says "messy", constantly. I guess that one's my fault. We all know I'm a bit OCD, and constantly neatening, stacking, organizing and making lists...and apparently Estella's inherited some of my behaviors...
Not a bad stack for such a little person.

My not too messy, messy table. I currently have lots of WIPs going on, which is interesting since I think in my last post I was talking about how unmotivated I was...oh well, apparently my motivation has returned, and I'm back to feeling like I could benefit from a few more hours in the day.
I also want to say something briefly, on a subject you will probably never hear me mention again. Most of you who know me, know I am the most naive, unpolitical person around, and honestly I'm okay with that...I know, bad, naughty American...

Anyways, I was able to catch Obama's Inauguration speech this afternoon. I have to say that I'm aware enough to know that there are some serious problems in the US right now, and we as Americans have gotten a little sloppy with our lives and our country. I also will not argue or debate anyone on their political choices, nor will I defend my own. But seriously, let's all just agree on one thing, Obama can give one inspirational speech, the kind of speech we as Americans need to hear and believe in. Now all America needs to do is be open enough to let some much needed change occur.

Okay, my once in a lifetime political speech is over, back to my messes!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

losing momentum

I finished Estella's kimono last night, and this was the best picture I could do in the dark with a running child:
It's a cute little jacket/shirt, but a bit too small for her. I'll have to enlarge the pattern a bit and try it again, but this one will serve as an around-the-house kind of robe. I also may ditch the second attempt on this one and try a different kimono pattern that I have, we'll see.

I feel as though I've lost a bit of momentum in the crafting department. I feel like maybe the whole CPSIA thing stole my ambition and I'm having a hard time starting up again, so for today, I neatened up the studios and organized my fabric. Let's just say that I have a serious problem! I literally can not fit one more yard of fabric in my cabinet.
Some people buy CDs, some buy shoes or purses, or clothes, or drugs...I buy fabric. It really can be quite therapeutic if you put your mind to it. Basically, I have a problem, and it needs to stop. The husband actually thinks that I have surpassed his vinyl collection quantity with my fabric collection quantity...if that's true, we've got trouble.

I also did a little laundry. The way it works around here is that hot laundry is expected to be deposited on the couch so that Peanut can burrow herself in it until it completely cools. After it has cooled, I'm then allowed to fold it. I'd worry about her getting hair all over the clean laundry, but since she's practically bald, that's not really a concern.
And now, as I'm wasting time blogging, an idea has popped into my head, so I'll go tend to that.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

hey mr. postman

Usually the postman brings me bills and junk mail, but today he brought me presents!!

This print from dilkabear for Estella's room. (check out her shop to see the full print)
Also, some new craft books. I'm a sucker for a good craft book and in a moment of weakness the other night, I ordered three! My excuse is that I'm planning to do a handmade and local Christmas this year and I need new inspiration. I know, it's kind of early for Christmas, but when you have ten million people to get gifts for, you need 11 months to prepare...
I had an unplanned trip to Burlington yesterday, so while waiting for a store to open, I went and fed my addiction. I was very pleased to find chalk pencils for marking on dark may not seem exciting, but to me, it is.
Estella right now is worming her way across the dining room floor with her Little People car saying "vroom" and "bye-bye". She started in the living room and then spent some time under my chair. Then she spent a little time under the table in the corner and is now laying on the door mat rolling the car back and forth in front of the door. This could quite possibly be the longest she's ever entertained herself. And on top of that, I won't need to sweep for a while!
It hasn't really warmed up much during the last couple of days. It's been very cold...the kind of cold where you don't leave the house if you don't have to...-31 degrees yesterday morning and a toasty -16 this morning...lots of tea and layers!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More progress

I'm done with outfit number three for Estella's doll. A lined wool coat and a lined wrap dress...I'm very pleased with the outcome.
I've just started a kimono shirt for Estella. It was a free pattern online and it looks cute...we'll see how it comes out. I usually try to avoid people clothing, but I need a little break from tiny clothing for a day or two, so I'm trying the shirt.

I also wanted to make some cloth storage boxes. I've seen boxes/bags made of cloth or felted sweaters that are sort of stiff, and a good storage option. Anyone out there know what I'm talking about and where i can find instructions?

My little monster mid tumble on the studio floor:
Kind of looks like she's up to no good, right?

We had a really nice play date on Monday. Estella enjoyed the kids and I enjoyed the moms. It was really nice to talk to other grown ups! Estella really loved playing with the little play kitchen at our friend's house, which is perfect because my dad is helping make one for her for her birthday, and I'm collecting some items to go with it. I'm sure she'll be very excited to have one of her own, and I'll be excited for her to be entertained for long periods of time!

Hopefully all of you in winter zones are staying warm! It's currently 3 degrees here and apparently it's supposed to get even colder the next couple of days. I guess I should at least be thankful that I don't live in Minnesota! I always find myself a little surprised when I read an Australian blog that they're talking about how hot it is...and I'm freezing my butt off her in Verm-Arctic! Maybe I should split my time between Australia and Vermont...I wish!

Stay toasty everyone!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I like snow?

It was another snowy day today, and another day in the studio for me...could it be that I'm actually pleased when it snows now? I guess only if I don't have to go anywhere...
I woke up with a Migraine this morning, so Walter took on all Estella care for the day and I was able to hide in my studio for some quiet time...after a nice relaxing bath, of course!

The first outfit, a sundress and bloomers, is complete:
I worked very hard yesterday on a pair of overalls for the same took up all of my free time during the day, and go figure, they don't fit. I was so disappointed that all of my hard work resulted in failure, only to realize that they fit the previously naked doll. She's still bald and creepy, but at least she's no longer naked! I was so pleased that the overalls weren't a total waste that I was motivated to do another pair in the correct size.
I spent today finishing up the overalls and nearly completing another outfit. I'll post pics when it's finished. The doll, by the way, is for Estella...did I say that in a previous post? Anyways, I'm enjoying making something with the intention of keeping it in the house.

I have to get back into some projects for the shop, but I'm discouraged at the thought of having to take them all down in a couple of weeks in case nothing changes with the CPSIA. It seems that they are starting to make exceptions, but we'll have to wait and see.

Estella is the proud new(est) owner of a Fisher Price Tudor House from 1980. I had one of these as a little girl, and it's still cool! She's been thoroughly enjoying it...constantly asking to play with the "house" and "garage". Very cute!
I guess that's enough excitement for today. Tomorrow this house will have a painful dose of reality...Walter goes back to school. It's been very nice to have him home more, and to get a little time to myself. It's only (as he says) 121 days, and then it will be all over! I guess I'll start the countdown!

Friday, January 9, 2009

sesame street

I've had a couple of requests for the sesame cookie recipe, so here it is. I substituted agave for the sugar and didn't use the full amount...also used half whole wheat and half unbleached flour...all in all, a yummy cookie.

I've also had a chance to do a bit more work...
She actually has an outfit nearing completion, but I forgot to take pictures of it.

I have plans for a quick play date tomorrow, as well as a nice visit with some mamas and kiddos on Monday. Also, some family in town this week and reservations for a nice dinner out (sans Estella) at one of our favorite restaurants...considering how uneventful my weeks tend to be, this one is overflowing with plans! And, I get to go to yoga on Tuesday! Wow, I actually have lots of things to break up my week this week...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

snowy snowy snow snow

Today would have been the perfect day to call a snow day, if I didn't already have off. It always seems that the days I'd have a good excuse to play hooky, are the days I don't have to. Oh well...
I still used the weather as and excuse to stay in all day and make cookies and sew.

Telling a two year old to have patience is sort of ridiculous, but I told her anyways. Luckily the cookies only took 15 minutes to bake. (Please excuse my very dirty oven!)
Yummy sesame cookies:
Maybe not your typical "cookie", but I'm a big sesame fan and Estella doesn't know that there's not actual sugar in them...I did splurge though and use actual butter :)
This is what my studio looks like when I want to work and Estella wants to play. I usually let her go to town and make a royal mess as long as she lets me get some work done. She was very well behaved today and entertained herself so that I was able to get a couple of hours of work done!
This part of the project had to be put on hold, I think my machine was keeping Estella up, and I'll definitely forfeit sewing so she can get some sleep...we're both happier for it!

I wish I had more exciting information to share, but I just don't. What can I say? I live the life of a life revolves around food and sleep schedules and the random project. I am however, obviously working on a project so maybe I'll have something new to share soon...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More stuff and things

We're back from the Kingdom...Estella had lots of fun with her Grandma and Papa John and Grammy. She really benefited from some time around multiple adults...she must have doubled her vocabulary over the weekend.
Smiley girl! That's the happiness I get from providing her with nutritious and delicious pizza for lunch...lazy mama+pizza=happy girl
I've finished Estella's doll...she love it!
I couldn't get her to stand still with it for a picture, but she was enjoying running around, hugging her. It's not the most attractive doll...disproportionate, bald and naked, but Estella doesn't seem to mind.
I may try another one soon, but I'm not sure if this is the type of doll for her doesn't really seem very washable...oh well, I'll figure it out, and by the time I actually make another one, maybe she'll be ready.

Today was an okay day. I had a bit of a run in with a jerk in a parking lot. I won't go into details, because the whole incident really frustrated me, but I was left shaken and annoyed. I try to live my life in a "do unto others" kind of way, and clearly he doesn't. All I'll say is that some day, karma will jump up and bite him in the arse.

On the other hand, apparently my karma is good. I received a very nice and needed gift today, and that made the annoyance of the morning a little less annoying...

Not much to report on the crafting front. I'm attempting a stuffed animal at the moment. The first one, Estella pointed at and said "deer". It was not a deer! I'm currently attempting try number two...hopefully it'll be more successful. To be perfectly honest, I'm getting a little freaked out by the Handmade Toy situation. If you haven't already, do something to get involved!! I mean really, what's next, the government telling me I can't buy my veggies from a local farmer unless they've been tested for something toxic? It's all just a little too much government interference for me...

I'm also happy to report that I'm starting a four week Yoga series tonight. It just happened to fit into our schedule, and it follows my whole New Year's plan of taking better care of myself. The last yoga class I took, Estella was crawling around the studio interrupting my concentration...that'll give you an idea of how long it's been...naughty, naughty unhealthy mama!