Telling a two year old to have patience is sort of ridiculous, but I told her anyways. Luckily the cookies only took 15 minutes to bake. (Please excuse my very dirty oven!)
Yummy sesame cookies:
Maybe not your typical "cookie", but I'm a big sesame fan and Estella doesn't know that there's not actual sugar in them...I did splurge though and use actual butter :)
This is what my studio looks like when I want to work and Estella wants to play. I usually let her go to town and make a royal mess as long as she lets me get some work done. She was very well behaved today and entertained herself so that I was able to get a couple of hours of work done!
This part of the project had to be put on hold, I think my machine was keeping Estella up, and I'll definitely forfeit sewing so she can get some sleep...we're both happier for it!

I wish I had more exciting information to share, but I just don't. What can I say? I live the life of a life revolves around food and sleep schedules and the random project. I am however, obviously working on a project so maybe I'll have something new to share soon...
I am very interested to know the cookie recipe. . .
I know what you mean about living the life of a mama.
What cookbook did you get that cookie recipe out of??? I was wondering if I have it or not.
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