Friday, March 28, 2008

today has been the longest day

I've shown about a thousand people our house today. It really is a horrible process. It's odd to have strangers in your home and to know that one of them will be living in it. I can't wait until it's all over and hopefully we get great renters so I don't have to go through this again too soon.

I've actually managed to get a bit more work done in between showings. Two little Fritters are now clothed. Two down, five to go...I need one of those "works in progress" gauges that I've seen on other blogs. I can't seem to find where to download one though.

I have also joined the Made In Vemont Etsy Street Team. Our blog is up and running, though I have not posted yet, or participated in any other team related doings for that matter. It really is all I can do to deal with myself, and manage to post on my own blog every now and again. Maybe some day I'll have the time and energy to join in some of the team related activities. It would be nice to network with some other local crafters. Maybe have a crafting night/social thing with some of them like I've seen on Meet Me at Mike's.

Who am I kidding? I don't do "social things", that would imply that I have a social life, and that would be a lie!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

this is what happens...

...when I have a migraine. While I lay on the floor holding my head, Estella figured out how much fun aluminum foil is to crinkle! It is so hard to be a mom when you want to rip your own eye out just to stop the pain. I know the only people who truly understand the pain and whining will be other migraine sufferers...I know you other sufferers feel sorry for me and know I can't just "take some Tylenol" and get on with my day...
Fortunately, it has gone away and I managed to get a bit further on the most recent batch of Fritters. The are looking cute, but naked. Unfortunately, the clothing takes the longest, but I'm looking forward to seeing them all take shape. I think they all look so cute with their professional tags!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


in case you can't tell, that's (the title's) me as a train chugging along on my projects. I would have written "chug-a-chug-a..." but in the book I'm reading right now, it's written "chunk-a-chunk-a-chunk-a." My whole idea of the sound a train makes has been completely blown away.

I'm moving along on my Fritters. The body materials have been sewn (sewed?) together and the faces are on. I tried some new face shapes, and some old ones too. Moving along...

We went to a little cutie's 1st Birthday party today. It was nice to socialize a little. Unfortunately we had to leave before present time so I didn't get to see how my gift was received...boohoo. Walter did receive a call from the dad saying that they were all thrilled with it! I guess all of my work was appreciated...that makes me feel good. It's so hard to know how people are going to respond to home made gifts...I've had mixed responses. I think every crafter has had mixed reviews when giving homemade gifts. Everyone in my life better get used to it because I would really like to take the Buy Handmade Pledge next holiday season.

Other than that, I'm dealing with trying to rent out the house...let's just say, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! It is so much more of a pain in the butt than I had least it should all be over soon! And, Walter's car broke down on the highway on Friday. It literally turned off while he was driving, and he had to be towed to the dealership, who can't look at it until Monday. So, again, let's just say, AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Oh well, I'm just going to stick with the idea that IT'S ALL GOING TO BE OKAY...right?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

[insert clever title here]

Just had to start with a picture of the cutie...
And, the project/gift is done! I managed to do the border/binding thing. Considering I had no idea what I was doing, it came out really well...hopefully the little guy will like it.
A detail of the mat with a little wooden car. I didn't make that of course, I bought it from a Vermont woodworker. I have some others and they're too cute! I wish I remembered who the maker was...I would love to get some more. Maybe he'll be at the same craft fair this I have a valid reason for going!And, our little Peanut. I love how she blends in with her fuzzy dog bed! I think she's having some emotional problems lately, she's been so naughty... maybe she knows we're moving. Oh well, she's a chihuahua...she's neurotic by nature.
I've done a bunch of packing and organizing and am currently in the process of trying to rent the house..busy, busy. I am looking forward to it all slowing down soon so I can focus on some Fritters. It drives me nuts to have all of the fabric picked out and the process started and not get to work on them. It makes me feel like I have all of this unfinished business...I know, neurotic - maybe I'm part chihuahua!

And finally, a shot from Estella's new room. I love the orange and white bright and cheery!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

head, shoulders, knees and

Oh never mind...

A quick post today, the hubby needs the computer to look up a million school related things...
I had to grab a quick photo before all the daylight disappeared...some ears, arms and faces in the works. The sewing has taken a back burner the last few days so this is the furthest I've gotten...

I'll post again soon and will hopefully have more progress to share...aren't I doing a good job at being a better post-er? (self patting-on-the-back over here...)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

a bit more organized

So, today while I was supposed to be cleaning and packing, I was indulging my neurotic, organizational loving self. My sewing room supplies are now neatly organized and labeled. I'm not sure how healthy it is to indulge my neurosis like this.
The organizer itself was one of those finds at the flea market that I was so psyched about. Of course it came filled with dusty screws and nails...obviously I cleaned it, and painted it pink!

While organizing, I came across these gorgeous ribbons that were handed down to me by the mom. Vintage-y goodness!

Needless to say, I didn't get any sewing started, but when I do get started, I'll be soooo organized. I have almost finished my gift project. I have to do an edge-binding-trim-thing. Whatever you may call it, I have to do it, and I'm a little nervous...I'll just take my time and hope it comes out okay. Luckily it's for a one year old...he won't notice if it ends up looking wonky. :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

naughty, naughty

I have been a naughty blogger. Every time I actually manage to post a blog, I swear to myself that I'll be better about posting more often, and of course I'm not. I really do need to try to be a little better about keeping up with it.
I had to post this picture of my little pouter... she was not thrilled by her Birthday outfit. I thought it was the cutest thing ever, but she didn't seem to share my enthusiasm. The shirt and wrap dress are by tea, and of course I tortured her with some tights too. She looked really sweet...and like a girl too! She didn't get called a boy once! My tags have arrived! They are so nice, very professionally done. I'm really happy with them which is good because they took FOREVER. Now all I need to do is make 350 items to attach those lovely tags to!
I do have a gift/project in the works. I don't have a picture...daylight is long gone and the flash was destroying the detail...maybe when it's done. Other than said gift project, I have mostly been sketching and planning some new Fritters. I'm hoping to start on some new items tomorrow or Monday, time willing.
Boring blog tonight...sorry. I am beginning to feel those winter blahs...I just can't seem to motivate or get the ol' energy level up. I think the best way to cure that is to send me off to a tropical spa where someone will massage me and wait on me and let me soak in the sun. Anyone want to send me? Anyone? It may be the only way to get an interesting blog out of me... Anyone?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

time marches on...

So, she's a year old. I can't believe that a year ago she was the little baby pictured above. Where did all that hair go? It has been a wild year, crazier than I ever thought it was going to be. Lots of fun and at the same time lots of difficult moments. It really does change your life! Okay...enough mushy, mama babble...
I'm planning a shop update for tomorrow night. These two sisters will be part of it, as well as a couple of other Fritters.

I may take a little bit of time off of making items for the shop to try a couple of ideas that I have swirling around the ol' brain. Then again, I may not...we'll see.

Keep checking for some glimpses of those ideas. (And for future shop updates) I'll try to post some of them as they take shape!