I'm not thrilled with the rain, but maybe it'll help my gardens. I haven't been having very much luck with my veggie gardens. Everything is alive, just not growing...and very pale. I have really nice soil, bought organic plants, and have tried watering and not watering per suggestions...still not doing very well. Oh, and we tried fish emulsion too...nada. Any thoughts?
I've been getting some work done everyday even if it's only half an hour...I think I'm on my final pieces now (there are four in the works) as long as I'm happy with the results.
It's kind of amazing that I get anything done with Estella trying to take over my work space! I guess I've kind of gotten used to working with one hand and taking dangerous scissors, pins, markers, etc. out of her hands with the other. I'm always amazed to read the blogs of other crafty moms who have more than one child and manage to get so much accomplished.
And as promised-a picture of my finished forest creature:
I only took this one picture since the light in the studio is so bad today. I'll try to get more when the weather changes...
I've been working more with (mostly) recycled wool, fur and felt. This guy is a wool blend felt that was really great to work with, but I'm looking forward to trying some 100%wool felt. A friend suggested some places to order some from and this place is local. I spoke to someone on the phone that said I could order by phone and pick it up at the warehouse so I won't have to wait (or pay) for shipping! Plus, I'm always up for trying some new materials...I'm already getting inspired by all of the great colors!