Our Christmas lights are no where near as plentiful as the Griswold's, but it's our first year ever decorating our house for the holidays and I'm really psyched to be able to look out of the window and see pretty Christmas lights.
We dressed up Estella like a girl for Thanksgiving...she looks so damn cute in a little dress that I took about a thousand pictures...clearly her tolerance was running out.
Walter and Estella had a little daddy/daughter DJ time also.
Walter was on vacation, and has just headed out to work for the first night this week. I've been spoiled having lots of help with Estella and not having to cook dinner. I've also been able to sneak away a couple of times to get some work done. Estella's book is almost done, and I just finished up a custom Fritter earlier today.
All good things must come to an end and it's back to reality for me now...is it too early to start the countdown until Christmas break?
And something extra today...just 'cuz she's cute!