Sunday, April 19, 2009

over the slump

I think I may be over the end-of-winter hump that I was struggling to climb.

We've been outside enjoying the warmer weather and doing some work around the house. That's the problem with living in three different houses over the course of a can't bring outside work with you...

We've moved Estella's sandbox over and will fill it with new sand today. We also built some raised garden beds.
It was no small task to find wood for the beds. Walter had to go all over creation to find cedar, but we found some and now have beds that will last forever and won't leak nasty chemicals into our food. We've only built the frames, and will probably stake and start filling them today. I'm excited to have a bigger garden this year and I'm hoping that my late start (in June when we get back from California) won't be too late for a decent crop. I'll just have to do larger starters this year and save the actual gardening for next year.

I also want to start planting some plants and flowers around when the weather gets a bit warmer but they may also have to wait until June. The house is so plain and generic, and clearly went many years without love, and i feel that some flowers and plants could go a long way towards making it feel homey.

Our trip is fast approaching, as well as Walter's Graduation, visits from family, and a few shows I need to be crafting for. All of a sudden, when I find the ambition to do one thing, I have a million others that creep up on me...that's usually how it works, right?

A few of you guessed birds on my last post but alas, they're fish:
And also some strawberries in the works:
I haven't completely gone off the deep end...the fish and berries are for a small part of another project, something new I'm sort of trying and working towards...

Also thought it was time for a new video...this one's mostly for you Californian family members...enjoy!


Kristy said...

Where did you get the cedar?

stacey said...

The cedar is from Koenig Cedar in Burlington on Lime Kiln Road and wasn't too expensive...and it made some nice boxes!

Mama Ash Grove said...

The felt projects are wonderful! Is it wool?
I am so curious what the larger project is! I'll be watching. . .