Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Birthday Girl

Just wanted to put up a quick post so I'm not the only one in awe of what 2 years time really does.

The day we came home, so not quite 2 days old:
One year old:
And today, on her 2nd birthday:
I can't believe where I was and what I was doing 2 years ago...pain doesn't even describe it, but neither does amazing. She gave me such a hard time coming into the world, that if I keep in mind what a hard day her birthday was, then maybe all of my other "hard" days won't seem quite so bad...

She really is amazing though, and well worth the effort!

I'm sure there'll be another post today or tomorrow so you can all see her with her new gifts...Walter's at school, so we're waiting until this afternoon for presents...


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTELLA!!! She sure has grown. The time has flown bye so fast. You and Walter should be so proud to have such a smart, pretty, sweet, adorable, creative, cute, nice, and sooooo lovable little girl. I know I am proud to have her as my niece. I just wish I was around to watch her grow up. Thank you for blogging! Please give her lots of hugs and kisses, tell her that they are from Aunt E, happy birthday and that she loves her sooooo much.

Mama Ash Grove said...

Happy, happy birthday sweet girl! Happy birthday mama too!

Beth said...

Oh, it does go bay way too fast.

Mama Ash Grove said...

she has the same little face! That is how Ella is, she has the same face she's always had. My boys' faces changed a lot since birth.