Wednesday, October 22, 2008

actual work!

Now that we're settling in a bit, I've had some time to get back into some projects. I have an actual Fritter in the works...and a quilt that may be finished by the time Estella leaves for college.
I decided to do the hand stitched binding for Estella's quilt, and I'm glad I did. It looks so nice when it's attached...all fancy. It does, however, take a lot longer to do than a machine attached binding. I figure that since the quilt is 12x15 squares, that's 54 square edges that I'll have to attach the binding along. I'm 9/54 done! These are the things that go through my head as I sit and tediously attach binding! I've been picking it up randomly and doing a couple of squares, and I figure that at some point this century I may actually get it done...
It snowed today. Real snowflakes (which Estella kept referring to as birds). Every winter when the snow starts to fly, I question what it was I was thinking when I never left Vermont...and every spring, summer, and fall, I remember. For today though, I had to try to explain to a 20 month old why she couldn't go out and play in the cold and wet. Leave it to me to give birth to a child that might actually like to play in the cold and snow...isn't being constantly cold genetic? Well, if it's not, it should be...what am I going to to if she makes me play in the snow?

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