The garden boxes are filled with really nice compost/soil, and the front of the house has new beds with some pretty flowers and herbs. I've been enjoying working outside this year which a complete change from last year. Last year I avoided outside activities whenever possible, but this year I've voluntarily raked and mowed the lawn! Last year at this time though we were getting over a really stressful couple of months and I just wasn't feeling it...
Tonight, Walter is at his last class! He has a week long review for his NCLEX next week, but as for normal classes and homework, he's done! It's been a long three years but the end is in sight!!
Estella enjoying a little painting time...we pretty much figure she's done painting when she starts to use the paint as a hand moisturizer...
I've quilted half of the quilt I'm working on:
I've also been trying to work on some other projects...
I have two shows due in August so there may be a mad rush for the studio after vacation. I think I have two shows...Shawn, are you still doing Potluck? Anyways, I figure when we get back, it's my turn to say I have lots of work to do and disappear for a couple of days into the studio, and Walter can enjoy a little Estella time!
Basically, we've been enjoying the weather, doing some work, I've been trying to convince my hypochondriac self that I'm not going to die of The Swine Flu, and we're really looking forward to graduation and vacation!
Don't bring that Swine Flu back here...just kidding.
swine flu out of the question...unless you can use that as an excuse to excuse yourself from being around anyone and sew, sew, sew!! it's all in how you approach it...see it now? :)
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