Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm back from my getaway...and much more relaxed. The day at the spa was so relaxing and fun, we did a little shopping, and ate out at every meal...just a really great break.

We also visited Simon Pearce. I remember watching the glass blowers there as a child, and luckily you can still watch them, but the place is so different. It's huge and expensive and not quite so much fun...I guess that's success.

I came home to a spoiled child with some new toys, books, and a balloon...and a new chair for the living room. All I have to do now is figure out how to reupholster it.
I got my last issue of Domino in the mail yesterday, and today it was destroyed...
I'm bummed that they're no longer publishing. I would never be able to actually afford anything in the magazine, but they always have great links and ideas. Oh well, it's just a magazine...nothing to get all weepy about...and besides, I still have ReadyMade!

Since I'm now working from home on Tuesdays, I found myself with extra time this morning, and I was able to cut all of the squares for the quilt-in-progress.
I used an Olfa rotary cutter (a recent purchase) and I will never cut squares with scissors again!
I was so enamoured with my new toy that I used it to cut pieces for my next project...
I know it doesn't look very exciting now, but give me a couple of months and maybe I'll finish this one and then you can all be impressed...with the finished product...not the fact that I actually finished it...

On a totally different subject, I need baking lessons! I think there's an art to baking that I just don't understand. I've destroyed so many baked goods that I'm beginning to wonder why I bother. Today I made (nasty-chewy-undercooked-on-the-top) sesame crackers. I think baking is one of those things that you have to witness, so you understand what things are supposed to look and feel like. The directions in a cookbook mean nothing to me...maybe there's a Baking for Dummies...I should look into that...


Becky J. said...

now that you are facinated by a rotary cutter...let me introduce you to the mini one. ya- that small one. it goes around curves and small things like that. if i do say so myself it is perfect for cutting out stuffed animals and dolls. have fun!

Kristy said...

The only art to baking is not giving up. It just takes time getting to know what a dough should feel like. Think of it like any activity. The more you do it the better you get. I bet if you look at your art work or sewing from High School you would notice how much you have grown as an artist. Same with baking. Be patient. You will make allot of truly awful things on the road to becoming a good baker, but eventually there will be more successes and less disasters. Trust me on that one. I still have disasters.

Mama Ash Grove said...

I want a rotary cutter!!!
And yes I agree with Kristy- baking takes time. Keep going with it.