Tuesday, October 7, 2008

our new home!

Just a quick post to give everyone the link to (crappy)pictures of the house. Please keep in mind that we haven't done any painting, or put anything up on the walls. It's still very plain and generic looking...all in good time.


Anonymous said...

A dream come true
It shines
Dream kitchen
And your own studio
Enjoy the rattling around
You'll fill it in no time.
Again Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a perfect house, it seems to be just right. I am so glad you were able to get it and was able to share the pictures. What does the outside look like? I can not wait to see it in person and see all the creative decorating that will happen over time. I love your kitchen...is that a dishwasher? I hope you settle in smoothly and that this home is good to you all. CONGRATS!!! Love you!!! Happy crafting <3 Erica